
Subscriptions are due annually on 1st November from all Ordinary Members of APS.

Your Subscription offers you:

  • A copy of the Annual Journal;
  • An Annual Newsletter and information from your Set Representative;
  • An opportunity to send personal news for publication in the next issue of the Journal;
  • Reduced fees for attendance at our Annual Reunions.

Please Note, Because the majority of our Members are now retired we regret that we can no longer support a reduced rate for Retired Members.

Increased costs of printing and postage mean that we are now operating close to a yearly deficit.
Therefore, at its meeting held on 1st October 2010, the committee reluctantly decided to set new subscription rates effective 1st November 2011.

New Subscription Rates

  • £10.00 per annum for all Full Members, including Retired Members.
  • £13.00 per annum for Members residing in Europe.
  • £15.00 per annum for Members living in other parts of the world.

It was decided that Members in receipt of Pension Credit should be offered free membership. Please put a note on your Subscription Form if you would like to take up this offer.
Because APS is a small Association it cannot offer Direct Debit or Standing Order facilities but members may pay for more than one year if they so wish.
Members who have already paid Subscriptions in advance will not be asked to pay the increase on any Subscriptions already paid.

Many thanks to all our Members who have paid their Subscriptions.

Please help us to contact other past students and to let them know about the
Association of Past Students, our Journal, our Website and our Reunions.